'Vedic Chikitsa' an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Ayurvedic Hospital -Kasturi Nagar, Bangalore -560043. Tel: +91 78921 41002 /+91 78928 66673 Email: contactvedicchikitsa@gmail.com

Vedic Chikitsa
Ayurvedic Hospital

Health Youth Longevity Scientific Ayurveda

ISO 9001:2015 Certification for Vedic Chikitsa Hospital

Transforming Healing with Customized Ayurvedic Treatments

Vedic Chikitsa' an ISO 9001:2015 certified Ayurvedic Hospital aids you with the management of Chronic Diseases. Our strength is Senior Ayurvedic Doctors with more than three decades of Clinical Experience. At Vedic Chikitsa Hospital, we have a team of well experienced Doctors and Panchakarma Therapists.  'Vedic Chikitsa ' team believes in the power of our Traditional knowledge based on ancient text books in Ayurveda. Certification-Mark-for-ISO-9001-with-scc-(1).jpg                      ISO-Certificate-July-2024.jpg

Vedic Chikitsa - DOCTORS


Dr. Krishnan Narayana Pisharody, BAMS

  1. Seven and half years BAMS in Gurukula System from Coimbatore Ayurveda College 

  2. Expertise in Neurological, Musculoskeletal, Degenerative, autoimmune, Metabolic and Lifestyle disorders.

  3. Experienced in the management of chronic and serious medical conditions.

  4. Clinical experience of around 3 decades.

  5. Knowledge of Jyothisha, Vedanta and Yoga.

  6. Work experience in major metro cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai.

  7. Work experience in 5 states of India – Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Gujarat, Maharashtra.and Karnataka in a span of 25 Years.

  8. Written more than 150 health articles in the Mumbai edition of Mathrubhoomi daily (2004 – 05, 2009 - 2011).

  9. Presented more than 40 health programs in All India Radio Kochi (FM) (2006 -08).

  10. Experienced in the management of occupational ailments related to the IT Industry.




Dr. Meledam Narayanan Namboodiri

A seven and half years BAMS graduate from Coimbatore Ayurveda College in the ancient Gurukula system with a clinical experience of more than 3 decades. He is available for consultation at Vedic Chikitsa on prior appointments only.



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Medical Reimbursement for Ayurvedic Treatments in Vedic Chikitsa Hospital

Mediclaim (Medical Insurance) Reimbursement for Ayurvedic Treatments subject to policy terms and conditions, is possible for treatments in 'Vedic Chikitsa' Hospital.

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