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Vedic Chikitsa - Latest update - Ayurvedic treatment for Gynaec disorders in Ramamurthy Nagar

Ayurvedic treatment for Gynaec disorders in Ramamurthy Nagar

"भस्मना शुद्धयते कांस्यं ताम्रं अम्लेन शुध्यति।

रजसा शुद्ध्यते नारी नदी वेगेन शुद्धयति"।।

(वैद्यकीय सुभाषितम्)

This is a quote from Vaidyakeeya Subhashitam.

Bronze is cleaned using ash, copper by using a sour substance like tamarind and the river is cleaned as a result of the flow of water. Similarly, a woman's body undergoes cleaning in the form of regular monthly periods.

Abnormalities in monthly periods can lead to many gynaec disorders.

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