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Vedic Chikitsa - Latest update - Hair fall Ayurvedic Treatment in Banasawadi

Hair fall Ayurvedic Treatment in Banasawadi

Ayurvedic system of medicine is based on three doshas namely Vata, Kapha, and Pitta. When there is an imbalance in any of these doshas, it tends to produce various kinds of diseases. Expert says hair problems are a result of an exacerbation of the pitta dosha. In Ayurveda, there are many herbs for a hair treatment that have moisturizing properties that naturally stop hair fall and promote hair growth. Bhringraj is a natural remedy to promote hair growth and reduce hair lossIt soothes the scalp by increasing the blood flow of the scalp and hair follicle It activates the hair roots and follicles to induce natural hair growth It nourishes your hair naturally and makes them healthy and shiny Vitamin C-loaded amla is an essential part of hair care and skincare routine. It contains essential fatty acids and antioxidants which strengthen the hair follicles and make your hair strong and lustre Amla is overall good for hair and scalp health as it helps to remove dandruff and dissolve grease and dirt from follicles. Massaging the scalp with amla oil can increase blood circulation It provides essential nutrients to hair follicles to promote hair growth

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