'Vedic Chikitsa' an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Ayurvedic Hospital -Kasturi Nagar, Bangalore -560043. Tel: +91 78921 41002 /+91 78928 66673 Email: contactvedicchikitsa@gmail.com
Vedic Chikitsa - Latest update - Panchakarma Treatment Near Kasturinagar

Panchakarma Treatment Near Kasturinagar

Contact :+917892141002

Panchakarma, an ancient Ayurvedic therapy, is a comprehensive detoxification and rejuvenation program that aims to restore balance and harmony in the body, mind, and spirit. Derived from the Sanskrit words "Pancha" (meaning five) and "Karma" (meaning action), Panchakarma encompasses a series of therapeutic treatments designed to eliminate toxins, promote healing, and enhance overall well-being.

At the heart of Panchakarma lies the principle of removing accumulated toxins, or "ama," from the body's tissues and channels. This is achieved through a carefully structured regimen that includes specialized massages, herbal steam baths, medicinal enemas, nasal administrations, and dietary modifications. These therapies work synergistically to cleanse the body of impurities, improve digestion and metabolism, and strengthen the immune system.

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